Salina, KS to Wichita, KS

Bus routes running daily from Salina to Wichita. Stops include Salina, Lindsborg, McPherson, Hutchinson, South Hutchinson, Newton and Wichita.


  1. Abilene, KS - This stop discontinued May 2, 2024

  2. Salina - Super 8 West Schilling Road

    705 W Schilling Road Salina, KS 67401

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Departure: 4:30 am

    Afternoon Departure: 2:20 pm

    Beeline Express & Greyhound bus stop.

    All transfers with Greyhound will happen at this stop effective June 3, 2024

    316-201-6700, opt 9
  3. Lindsborg - Whites Foodliner

    215 N Harrison St. Lindsborg, KS 67456

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Departure: 4:50 am

    Afternoon Departure:  N/A

    316-201-6700, opt 9
  4. McPherson - Love’s Country Store

    2400 E Kansas Ave. McPherson, KS 67460

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Departure:  N/A

    Afternoon Departure: 2:50 pm

    316-201-6700, opt 9

    Bus stops near island east of store.

  5. Hutchinson - Sunflower Inn

    322 East 4th Avenue Hutchinson, KS 67501

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367

    Morning Departure: 5:40 am
    Afternoon Departure: 3:20 pm


    Hotel sells tickets for Nationwide destinations.

    Passengers must wait near hotel front door

    Passengers are allowed to wait inside front door

  6. South Hutchinson - Victory Drive Away

    400 N Maple South Hutchinson, KS 67505

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Arrival: 5:50 am
    Afternoon Arrival: 3:30 pm

    Drop off location only.

  7. Newton - Amtrak Station

    414 N Main Street Newton, KS 67114

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Departure: 6:30 am
    Evening Departure: N/A

    316-201-6700, opt 9
  8. Wichita - Downtown Transit Center - Center Island

    214 South Topeka St Wichita, KS 67202

    To purchase tickets call 316-272-6367 or visit

    Morning Arrival: 7:10 am
    Evening Arrival: 4:30 pm

    316-201-6700, opt 9